A glimpse at part of our writing process

We’re writing Chapter 13 of Ni’a, and someone is telling the story of how the Sunspot was built, and right in the middle of their monologue, it all clicked for us!

We now know how Phage got aboard the Sunspot, why it wasn’t there for the first couple of generations, what the problem was that kept the ship from functioning right, and which of the Crew was in charge of the Operation that involves the Tunnel and Bashiketa. It not only all just clicked into place, but it’s all been foreshadowed perfectly.

We can seriously rely on each other.

This sort of thing happens with just about every big writing project we have.

Some of it is just throwing enough stuff out there that we can work with it later. But a lot of it also seems to be long term planning on the part of some of our writers. And they just don’t share their full thoughts until we get to the point where we need them.

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