Zoom out from the Spindrift to the Sunspot, passing Anchor on the way

An animated gif that starts with an image of a 45 meter long spaceship, Spindrift, in front of the moon's surface, as it zooms out we see that it is next to a 3 kilometer long spacecraft, Anchor, which is in turn next to a 2,500 kilometer long space craft, the Sunspot, and now the diameter of the moon is visible, which is not that much bigger than the Sunspot is long.

An animated gif that starts with an image of a 45 meter long spaceship, Spindrift, in front of the moon's surface, as it zooms out we see that it is next to a 3 kilometer long spacecraft, Anchor, which is in turn next to a 2,500 kilometer long space craft, the Sunspot, and now the diameter of the moon is visible, which is not that much bigger than the Sunspot is long.

Our first Blender animation, this is super rough and not the final version we have planned for this. But we thought it was worth sharing as it is, at full size, even if it breaks our website’s formatting.

There’s a lot of refining of models left to do. And we also plan to have the habitat cylinders rotating at the right rate. And it might go in reverse. And we’re absolutely going to ease and smooth the animation when it’s zoomed into the smaller craft.

But this should give everyone a really good idea of how big these ships are.

Spindrift is about the same length as any of NASA’s old spaceshuttles, 45 meters.

Anchor is about 3 kilometers long.

The Sunspot is 2,500 kilometers long.

And the moon is a bit over 3,600 kilometers in diameter (the exact number is out there and easily searchable, we’re just not going to do it again for this post).

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